Your Sphere

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Consistency and being top of mind is key to being a successful real estate agent! One way to do that is to reach out to your sphere on a weekly basis. Pick 5 names on your list to make contact with. Some examples can be a phone call, text message, hand written note, or even an in-person meeting over coffee or lunch.

Work on incorporating some of the Ninja Selling daily mind set habits into your daily routine. Follow some top real estate professionals on Facebook or Instagram 

Join two new groups or organizations within the first year at Nest. Think sports, alumni group, non-profit board, trivia night, Rotary club, etc. etc. 

Business Growth

Items to help grow your business, and are good habits to get into early on:

  • Each month, host one or more Open Houses for a Nest listing. It’s a great way to help out your fellow agent and also meet potential buyers!

  • ALWAYS be branded! Wear your Nest swag with pride and keep business cards handy in case anyone wants to chat real estate!

  • Schedule a lunch or coffee meeting with an established Nest agent

  • Create a short video in the Social Media Studio on one of the topic suggestions by scanning the QR code in the studio
Photo of someone holding a phone with marketing displayed


Photo of someone holding a phone with marketing displayed

Please make sure you read your Nest Handbook that was included in your Welcome Box! This is an invaluable resource that has a great overview of all that Nest has to offer.