
Please click on the links below to complete the necessary forms for pre-boarding.  

  • Complete the Intake Form so we can begin your onboarding process. 
  • In order to have your tools created in Envoy and your agent bio page live, please fill out the Bio Questions form. 
  • For the Friends of Nest program, as well as other marketing items, Nest digitalizes your signature. Please download, print, and sign the Friends of Nest Signature Form and give the hardcopy to Claire at the office. 

Headshot Photography Scheduling

Please schedule your headshot with a photographer of your choice. Nest will cover up to $250 of this cost. Getting your headshot scheduled early is one way to make the onboarding process smoother! 

Please note that Nest requires certain parameters for headshots, so please make sure to send your photographer this style guide.  

Please have your photographer send the invoice to Nest Realty, c/o Keri Wilfong (


Business License

In order to conduct business, you will need to apply for a business license. Since our office (and your business address) is located in the City of Staunton, you will need to fill out the application and send it with the appropriate fees to The Commission of the Revenue, 116 W. Beverley Street Staunton. This must be completed before you commence operations as a real estate agent. 

Email Signature and Voice Mail Greeting

Please go into your Gmail gear settings > See All Settings > Signature. Your signature block must have certain required elements to satisfy state regulations.

Joan Nester
a  123 W Frederick St Staunton, VA 24401
c   540-555-1212
Licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Please also update your voicemail greeting to reflect your name and that you’re an agent with Nest Realty.

Envoy Basics

Please complete the Nest U module on Envoy Basics. This will give you a foundation for many tools and resources. 

***Please note that in order to successfully view the Nest U Google Site, you need to be using your Google Chrome Browser Profile. 


Paragon is the system that the Greater Augusta Association of Realtors (GAAR) uses to access the MLS.  Please familiarize yourself with the help pages on Home Page, Search, and Working with Listing Results. 

Staff at GAAR will schedule New Member Orientation classes with you, which must be completed within six months of joining. Classes are usually held three times a year, in March, June, and September. Classes usually take a full day. New agents can reschedule/miss ONE time. If agents reschedule to the next session, they must attend. If they miss that session, their membership is suspended until the class is complete. 

If you have further questions on New Member Orientation classes, please contact the GAAR office

Sentrilock (Lockbox) Access

Please download the SentriKey (from SentriLock) app on your phone.  You will be given a SentriKey ID and password for logging in to the SentriKey. Check out the SentriKey website for their list of resources and help articles. 

Nest Swag Order

We’d love to order you some branded swag so you can proudly wear the Nest brand. Please fill out this order form

Credit Card Form

In order for Nest HQ to bill you for Friends of Nest mailings and other agent expenses, they need to have a credit card on file. Please fill out this form to start that process.